Register User on Add form

I have a quoteadd form and want to register user on Adding Quote.

Tried to use the API:
api/register?FirstName=XXY&LastName=XXXY& also with Swagger:
{“FirstName”:“XXY”,“LastName”:“XXXY”,“Email_Address”:“”,“Mobile”:“245454822”,“User_Password”:“Htas232”,“Agree_Terms”:“1”,“IP_Address”:“55454847”,“User_Level”:“1”}The response is { “success”: false, “version”: “17.0.9”} , those are the required fields on Registration form for Users. The other APIs to list and add are working. Which other function can i use, the Passwords are stored in with hash

Have you already checked Enabled from Security → Advanced → User Login Options → User Registration Page of your PHPMaker project and then re-generate ALL the script files again?

That is already enabled, i can register using the registration Form. My problem is registering using API - have tried using Postman too, but not working.

  1. Enable debug
  2. Check HTTP response

The response not giving detailed after enabling DEBUG, REPORT_ALL_ERRORS and LOG_ERROR_TO_FILE. Even on the console, nothing showing.I ended up using EncryptPassword() to convert the password into Hashed password