Hello,I have an old project (built with v.2019) which use this regular expression for one of the fields:C#: @“[1][a-zA-Z0-9]{2,19}$”
JS: /[2][a-zA-Z0-9]{2,19}$/to validate the user input for a field named “UserName”, it was working perfectly.Now after upgrading the project to use the v.2020, I am facing troubles with this RegEx and get an error saying:error CS1503: Argument 2: cannot convert from ‘object’ to ‘string’
and the code line which was responsible for this:
if (!CheckByRegEx(UserName.FormValue, UserName.GetServerValidateArguments())) {
FormError = AddMessage(FormError, UserName.ErrorMessage);
}this error is repeated in 3 places: [Mytable]add.cs, [Mytable]edit.cs and [Mytable]srch.cs files.
I have followed the function GetServerValidateArguments() and found it in “aspnet.cs” with this signature:
public Func GetServerValidateArguments { get; set; } // DNI found that strange since my c# regex is a string and not an object, and the error message tells that too,
so I have tried to change its signature (in the template file: shared/config-common.cs) from:{ “prop”: “FldServerValidateArgs”, “func”: “GetServerValidateArguments”, “type”: “object” },to:{ “prop”: “FldServerValidateArgs”, “func”: “GetServerValidateArguments”, “type”: “string” },after that I was able to compile my project successfully, and the RegEx is working and verifying user inputs as expected.is this something from my code? or just a typo in the template file?