I first time use rest api in PHPMaker 2020 (trial version) for test and see this message
{“success”:false,“failureMessage”:“You do not have permission to access /crm/api/index.php.”,“version”:“16.0.0”}I run URL demo5/crm/api/?action=view&object=articles&id=64What is a reason “You don’t have permission”?
If the table “articles” is protected by User Level Security, you cannot access the table without logging in first. See the topic REST API > Authenticate User with JWT (JSON Web Token) in the help file.
Thanks you. It is solved.Now I want to have data whith help other field (whiout ID)demo5/crm/api/?action=view&object=articles&link=home
It is dont work.demo5/crm/api/?action=view&object=articles&id=64
It is work.
How to use this method demo5/crm/api/?action=view&object=articles&link=home ???
Without primary key field you cannot find the record to view.
I understood. okay. Thanks you
Hi btradeI Loved if you post your example about this here.
I Dont understend how to use API with PHPMaker.
I Need one full example.Thanks a lot.
Read the topic REST API in the help file, there are examples.