I see this error SyntaxError: UnexpectedAnd also this error appears
Route ‘index.php’ not found.Even though I am chosen Lowercase routesBut the error appears especially when logging in :Route ‘index.php’ not found.
Never use index.php in URL in v2021. You should use index instead.
I did not understand what you mean
Possible example
Make sure you have set up URL Rewrite for your website properly, see the last post in https://discourse.hkvstore.com/t/migrating-to-v2022/655/1 for details.
saleh wrote:
I did not understand what you mean
Possible example
That means, you should not access a link that includes index.php in the address of browser.For example, your website address is http://www.mydomain.com and then you are trying to access it by using this address: http://www.mydomain.com/index.php
This will raise an error ** Route ‘index.php’ not found**. So, the solution is, you should access your website either by using:
http://www.mydomain.com/index (there is no need to use .php suffix in it)