This is my row_rendered event, apparently no update is done from the UITSLAGT and UITSLAGU fields.
Maybe another event so that these fields are stored in my MySQL database ?function Row_Rendered() {
Execute(‘UPDATE formwed SET UITSLAGT=“$varut”,UITSLAGU=“$varuu” WHERE NR=“$varnr”’);thx
Show the SQL to verify if it is valid. For example:$sql = “UPDATE … SET … WHERE …”;
//***die($sql); // Show the SQL for debugging
- You would normally update the DB during the Row_Updating / Row_Updated / Row_Inserting / Row_Inserted events, so consider your logic carefully.2) Your SQL statement is not valid - token replacement only works in double-quoted strings so you need to use:Execute("UPDATE formwed SET UITSLAGT=‘$varut’,UITSLAGU=‘$varuu’ WHERE NR=‘$varnr’ ");