Row Updating problem

Hello i am using th efollowing code to run q query when th FIELD DISCHARGE change to YES

// Row Updating event
function Row_Updating($rsold, &$rsnew) {
if ($this->Discharge->CurrentValue = “Yes”) {

$id = $this->id->CurrentValue;

$sql = "INSERT INTO contactunlink (id, removalarea)

SELECT, removalarea FROM employees, unlinkareas WHERE = ‘" . AdjustSql($id) . "’";
$rs = Execute($sql);


the problem is that query always run and dont take in count the field Discharge

any idea how fix this


This part:

should be (assume you want to get the new value of Discharge field in Row_Updating server event):

and this part:

shoule be (assume the id is not changed in Row_Updating server event):

Hello, i change the code as you recommend and move to Row update, now work but i have a new problem now, every time i edit the record the sql trigger again and i need just add the records one time

my code look as :

// Row Updated event
function Row_Updated($rsold, &$rsnew) {
$id = $rsold[“id”];

$sql = “INSERT INTO contactunlink (id, removalarea)

SELECT, removalarea FROM employees, unlinkareas WHERE = '” . AdjustSql($id) . "’ " ;

if ($rsnew[“Discharge”] == “Yes”){ // move the record from “candidates” table into “employees” table, only if the new value of “Accepted” is equal to “Y” (meaning Yes)



It is possible avoid this duplication


Then you need to check first the related record in “contactunlink” table in that “Row_Updated” server event, whether it has already existed or not.

If it does not exist, then execute your INSERT INTO Sql, otherwise do nothing.

// Row Updated event
function Row_Updated($rsold, &$rsnew) {

$id = $rsold[“id”];
$check_id = ExecuteScalar(“SELECT id FROM contactunlink WHERE id = '” . $id . “'”); // check the id in “contactunlink” table, assume it is string/varchar/char field type
if (empty($check_id)) { // if it does not exist
// execute your INSERT INTO SQL
$sql = “INSERT INTO contactunlink (id, removalarea) SELECT, removalarea FROM employees, unlinkareas WHERE = '” . AdjustSql($id) . "’ " ;
if ($rsnew[“Discharge”] == “Yes”){ // move the record from “candidates” table into “employees” table, only if the new value of “Accepted” is equal to “Y” (meaning Yes)


Thanks, you ROCk work perfect…