Sending URL parameters with $this->terminate

Hi all:I’m following something similar to this solution to use a cron.php page.

  1. Used an generated empty PHPMaker page, and put the standalone code in there. Name: cron.php
  2. Gave the cronjob it’s own username/password, i.e. cjmailer
  3. The cronjob accesses login.php via wget (/usr/bin/wget) w un/pw (marked Allow login by URL)
  4. I call my script with "localhost/login?user=my_user&password=my_password&action=importCSV
  5. In Server Events->Other->Login Page->User_LoggedIn I have
function User_LoggedIn($usr)
    //Log("User Logged In");
	   $levelid = CurrentUserLevel();
	   switch ($levelid) {  //current user level
		   case 1:  // if JdO
		   case 9:  // if CRON
		   default:  // timecard users, all others

My problem is my cron can do several task, depending how you call it.

The parameter “action” doesn’t arrive to my cron.php page.
I’ve checked the Network tab in Chrome, and I see: login page->index page->cron page.

So, my parameter is lost in index page?
Any idea to workaround it?


You may post the code in cron.php file for more discussion.

josejad wrote:


Be reminded that the route is not a physical file. If your own standalone file is cron.php, you need to use cron.php?.. If you want to use route (e.g. Cron?..), you need to add a route using the Route_Action server event (see Server Events).

Hi:Thank you both for the answer.

You may post the code in cron.php file for more discussion

Thanks mobhar, here is my code


namespace PHPMaker2022\semicom;

// Page object
$Cron = &$Page;

echo "accion = : " & $_GET["accion"];

if (!(isset($_GET["accion"]))) { //si no indicamos ninguna acción, redirigimos a login
  echo "Error";
else {
	$db =& DbHelper();
	switch ($_GET["accion"]) {
		case "correo_jdo":

		case "planificacion":
		case "importCSV":
	} //switch
} //else

<?= GetDebugMessage() ?>

Be reminded that the route is not a physical file. If your own standalone file is cron.php, you need to use cron.php?

Thanks arbei.
As you can see, my cron file is generated as a custom file. It can be called with a route. In fact, if I call “Cron?action=importCSV” it works. The problem is the parameter is lost if I call from Login->page_terminate. (see case 9 in my first post).I will try if I can make some test with the Route_Action server event to call it from page_terminate

josejad wrote:

The problem is the parameter is lost if I call from Login->page_terminate

Press F12 in your browser, go to the Network panel, find the request to your custom file, check Headers → Request Headers, see if contains your URL parameter. See View HTTP headers for more information.

Hi again:The network panel show me:


It shows:

Query Strings Parametes
username: cron
password: 1234
accion: importCSV

just for the login lineJust to clarify.

  • If I login typing my cron user and password, and call /Cron?action=importCLV, it works
  • If I login through url (/login?username=cron&password=1234&accion=importCSV) then it goes to index, then /Cron, but no parameters arrive.

Solved adding the code to pageRedirecting in Login:

    public function pageRedirecting(&$url)
        // Example:
        //$url = "your URL";
		   $levelid = CurrentUserLevel();
    	   switch ($levelid) {  //current user level
    		   case -2:  //if Anónimo
    				 $url = "login";
    		   case 1:  // if JdO
					 $url = "PartesJdoList";
    		   case 2:  // if admon_partes
					 $url = "PartesJdoList";
    		   case 3:  // if Operario
					 $url = "ParteTrabajoList";
    		   case 4:  // if manager
					 $url = "PartesJdoList";
    		   case 5:  // if jefe equipo
					 $url = "ParteTrabajoList";
    		   case 6:  // if Orange
					 $url = "OrangePlaniView2List";
    		   case 7:  // if PRL
					 $url = "PlanificacionCal";
    		   case 8:  // if Refuerzos
					 $url = "HorasTotalesRefuerzo";
				case 9:  // if Cron
					$url = "Cron?action=" . $_GET["action"];
    		   default:  // timecard users, all others
    				  $url = "login";