Table Header Filter (Excel filter style)

Hi !
I use lookup table. I can use “Filter”. It works well for add/edit/Ext.Search

But it’s not working for Table Header Filter (Excel filter style)
If I have 1000 rows and would like show only a few depend on “Filter” key, I also try to do it by “Lookup_Selecting”, no success

Any suggest

  1. You need to explain “not working”. What did you see?
  2. Check HTTP response.
  3. You may post your code for Lookup_Selecting for discussion.


There is a table

view_rlz_results_new (id int,IslID int,IslRezID int,LabID int,Meyor varchar(50) …

for IslID set up a Lookup Table

view_dir_issledovaniya (id int,rlzID int,kod varchar(8),nazvanie varchar(100) …

for this lookup table i use Filter “rlzID=<some_value>”,
also instead of Filter I tried use Event Lookup_Selecting

    if ($fld->Name == "IslID") {
        $fld->Lookup->UserFilter = "`rlzID` = <some_value>";

Ext.Search at ListPage or LoookUp at EditPage show filtered list of options,
but “Table Header Filter (Excel filter style)” show whole list of options

I would like, Table Header Filter (Excel filter style) shows only the list of currently available on ListPage options, not All in the LookUp Table

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