Thousands separator for es-MX

Anyone has es-MX language file? Thousands separator is different in México and Spain. I don’t know where can I change this setting, locale doesn’t work.

Thousands separator is not controlled by language file, you may read Locale Settings. Make sure you set the language ID of your language file correctly and use the same id in locale settings.

Language file doesn’t have locale settings like thousands/decimal separator, currency symbol, timezone, etc. To change them you will need to use Locale Settings.

Go to Tools > Locale Settings and in the Search box type es-MX and click the locale to select it. Change decimal_separator, grouping_separator and other settings according to your needs.

Make a copy of the language file and rename it to

Open the file in Notepad and in the second row change id=“es-ES” to id=“es-MX” and save the file.

Go to Tools > Languages and select the newly created es-MX language.

Regenerate all files.

Now, it should use the settings from es-MX locale