Tooltips via Custom Attribute (v2019)

Iam newbie in phpmaker
I want to create tooltips via custom attribute for each fields with event like onmouseover() etc.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you…

You also need to add CSS class “ew-tooltip” so that PHPMaker script will init it for you.

where the script placing?

Put it in “Row_Rendered” server event. Please read “Server Events and Client Scripts” topic for more info and examples.

still didnt work
when i put this script to row rendered

Tooltip on top

then browser show error “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<’ in C:\xampp\htdocs\peru\classes\peru.php on line 3023”
i think i cant translate that script to phpmaker… can you give me some example?

mobhar wrote:

Please read “Server Events and Client Scripts” topic for more info and examples.