Type and Search is not working for Lookup Values.Updated to V2022.7
Updated template
Generated all files again.But issue is still the same…
You may check HTTP response in your browser.
Here is the preview:
"page": "Countrycodesview2Add",
"field": "country_id",
"result": "OK",
"records": [
"lf": "2",
"df": "India",
"df2": "",
"df3": "",
"df4": ""
"lf": "1",
"df": "China",
"df2": "",
"df3": "",
"df4": ""
"totalRecordCount": 2
Here is the Response:
Kindly help to resolve.
The response is normal.What did you mean by “Type and Search”? Did you mean AutoSuggest? You may post the Edit Tag and Lookup Table settings of your lookup field.
Yes, i mean to say Auto Suggest.Edit Tag:
Use Lookup Table (Checked)and in Lookup Table:Table Name : countrycodesview
Link Field: line_id
Display field # 1 : country_code
Order by : country_code
Allow sort/search (checked)
Text input for search (checked)
arbei wrote:
You may > check HTTP response > in your browser.
- Describe clearly what was “not working”.
- Are you using “TEXT” Edit Tag? (AutoSuggest means “TEXT” Edit Tag with lookup table.)
- Check the HTTP request headers, make sure the user input is sent.
- Make sure you check the correct HTTP response of the request for that AutoSuggest field.
- If the data in the HTTP response you posted above is correct, then the server side API is working fine. Go to the Console panel to check if there is any JavaScript error on the client side.
- Press Ctrl + F5 in your browser to make sure the latest *.js files generated (not old files from older versions) are loaded.