Upload file - SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON during Import (v2020)

hello sir, i already try what you did to fix SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0

but it didnt work

i use PHPMAKER version 2020 and i cant upload any file,
everytime i try to upload it will show erorr SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0 or sometimes the position is difference number like SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 487.every difference file it will give difference position.well the difference with my problem is if your import work at the first time,but mine it didnt work at all event on the first timei dont even not enable Compile container for production from Tools → Advanced Settings

i already delete all generate file and regenerate even with or without composer updateso any other sugestion?

You may click Tools → Advanced Settings to enable Debug, then generate and run your scripts again. Check the API 's HTTP response, read Check HTTP Response from API, you should find the server side error message in the body of the HTTP response.

Similar to: https://discourse.hkvstore.com/t/how-to-resolve-syntaxerror-unexpected-token-in-json-during-import/3510/1