css files

I am trying version 2022 but have a format issue with the login screen and input fields on table Add forms. e.g.The login screen inputs are full width?
All Add record form inputs are full width?
Extended search fields are all minimum width with no labels?I have tried a number of times, using a basic theme with no user styles but can’t pinpoint itI do have a project that worked and I have noticed there are some missing files in the projects with issue.They are in the css folder and are named:sweetalert2.min.css
xxxxx.min.csswhere xxxxx is the project name.How can I get these generated? I think the styles are missing from the output

Do not ignore errors during generation. If there is any error occurred during generation, .css files will not be compiled (the last step of generation) and are skipped.

If your generation is successful, all those files will be generated properly. Also read https://discourse.hkvstore.com/t/error-find-css-file/6255/1

There were no errors during generation,.

The only issue was the npm Warning about the --location=global, but I fixed that with the changes to npm.During generation I even see a message saying “Compressing xxxxx.min.css” but the file is not created?

Make sure your web server has rewrite_module enabled. Please read this.

dquinlan wrote:

During generation I even see a message saying “Compressing xxxxx.min.css” but the file is not created?

If you see that, it means xxxxx.css is created (you may check), so it tried to compress it according to your advanced setting "Compress project .css"If you see xxxxx.css in \css, then it means the compression was not successful.If you do not see xxxxx.css, then it means the .scss cannot be compiled to .css.If both (compiling and compressing) successful, you should see “Generation completed successfully” after than.

Otherwise, you should check your development environment, do “npm update” again, read https://discourse.hkvstore.com/t/error-find-css-file/6255/1